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Welcome to Singles 365

Looking to find a free dating site that suits you? One that allows you to not only customize your profile but also shows you your matches without you having to put your hand in your pocket? Try our free dating site Singles 365 today and see for yourself what Singles 365 can offer you.

Check out members near Wiltshire

Dave, 64

Amesbury, Wiltshire
I have been divorced for nearly one year. I have three boys, two at university and the youngest, who is 6. I would like...

Mike, 62

Hawkeridge, Wiltshire
Separated for 4 years and now Divorced, looking for a companion ! ! Intelligent conversation and intellectual contact...

tony, 67

Westbury, Wiltshire
51 year old was 26 stone now am 13 and am looking for someone to help me learn life that i missed out on by being so fat

Paul, 71

Wilton, Wiltshire
Relatively solitary life (not by choice) , two daughters four grandchildren (live locally) . Two cats for company (chose...
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Singles 365 - A Free Dating Site For Singles

If you are single and looking for love then try Singles 365 for free. We aim to offer a free dating service for single men and women of all ages. If you're searching for love online then we want to help and offer you the tools to improve your success as much as possible. You can start straight away if you want to, with filling out your profile information and uploading a picture - It's quick and easy.

A nice relaxed day. Sun and sea planned for 5:30pm… Woohoo! (So immature! ! ? ) Hope you're all getting s...

Danny, Trowbridge, Wiltshire

Nice to have the coast so near…

Danny, Trowbridge, Wiltshire

What is your favourite meal?

Anything with chicken

Andy, 57, Melksham Forest, Wiltshire

If you won the lottery what would you buy first?

A new house

Christine, 72, Salisbury, Wiltshire

What is the scariest thing you've ever done?

Swimming off Manly beach, Sydney and nearly drowning. Oh, plus rowing boat tipping up, trapping me underneath when fishi...

Paul, 71, Wilton, Wiltshire

Why choose Singles 365 over any other free dating site online?

We understand that single people want variety in choice and also the option to search for specific interests or attributes in their quest to find someone special. Our search tool allows you to find single people who you want to see; people who share similar interests or beliefs - you can be as particular as you want. This way your pool of other members is customized and hopefully will improve your chances of finding someone you want to be with forever.

We appreciate that some people are willing to spend more time on finding love than others and taking time is something we encourage. However, we also have an option for people who don't have a lot of time and want a quick and easy free dating site to use. Our ‘Encounters' section allows you to swipe left or right through member profiles and quickly let them know that you like them and we will let you know whether or not it's a match.

Lastly, our customer service team are available to lend a hand should you need anything along the journey.

Try Before You Buy

We want all our members to love using Singles 365 and to feel confident in us, which is why we offer membership to our site for free and include the many services we provide within that membership. Once you're happy with our free dating site service, we offer the opportunity to upgrade your membership which will allow you to choose the ideal plan for you and grant you full access to the additional services we provide. Just click on the upgrade section within Singles 365 to find out more information.